WordPress Security September 8, 2023

How Do You Fix SSL Errors Using Acme.sh?

Author: Seçil Durgun

SSL/TLS certificates are used to secure websites and ensure that users’ data is transmitted in an encrypted form, and managing this security is an important process. In this article, we will explore the ACME protocol and SSL certificates in detail and then learn how to activate SSL/TLS certificates using ‘acme.sh.’

What is ACME?

ACME (Automated Certificate Management Environment) is a standard protocol for automating certificate management processes. Its primary goal is to provide an easier and more secure way for a user or server to manage SSL/TLS certificates. The ACME protocol uses cryptographic keys and validation methods to ensure security while automating these processes.

One of the most critical features of the ACME protocol is that it includes security mechanisms that verify the identity of the person or server requesting the certificate. These mechanisms prevent malicious individuals or software sending automated certificate requests from interfering with the certificate issuance process. The validation process is usually performed using a key pair generated by the user.

Certificate Authorities (CA) facilitate the request and issuance of certificates via the ACME protocol. ACME clients automate this process, making obtaining certificates easier for users or systems. It is significant for large-scale web servers or cloud-based services, as manually managing certificates can be a complex process with a high risk of errors.

What are ACME Clients?

ACME clients are software applications that can request certificates using the ACME protocol. These clients communicate with ACME-enabled Certificate Authorities (CAs) to obtain certificates. Here are some typical ACME client applications:

  • Certbot: Certbot helps issue, renew, and install certificates using the ACME protocol. It also provides extensive documentation and can be used on various operating systems.
  • Posh-ACME: Posh-ACME is a PowerShell-based ACME client designed to obtain SSL/TLS certificates from an ACME-supported CA. It does not automatically deploy certificates to a web server, so users may need to handle this manually.
  • GetSSL: GetSSL is an ACME client for Unix-based systems. It can run as a daily cron job to automatically renew certificates and update the script when necessary.
  • ACMESharp, Caddy, Sewer, and More: ACME client options are not limited to Certbot, Posh-ACME, and GetSSL. Other options include ACMESharp, Caddy, Sewer, and more. These clients can be selected based on the needs of the users and organizations.

In conclusion, the ACME protocol and clients are potent tools for users and system administrators who want to automate and enhance the security of certificate management. It makes the management of SSL/TLS certificates easier and more secure.

What Is an SSL Certificate? What are Its Types?

What is an SSL Certificate?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a secure internet data transmission protocol. It is designed to ensure privacy, integrity, and security in online communication. Here’s a unique way to explain SSL:

SSL acts as a virtual shield that secures the internet. As the exchange of information over the internet continues to grow, ensuring the safety of this information has become critical. SSL is the system that steps in to meet this need.

SSL encrypts communication between two parties, protecting information from unauthorized access. It lets users securely share personal information, credit card numbers, and other sensitive data online.

SSL also ensures the integrity of the transmitted data. It verifies that the information has not been altered or corrupted during transmission, preventing any damage or modification of the data during transit.

SSL uses digital certificates to provide this security. These certificates authenticate the identities of websites and indicate to users that a secure connection has been established. Browsers use these certificates to inform users that they are visiting a secure website.

In conclusion, SSL ensures internet security, allowing users to perform online transactions safely. It keeps information shared over the internet secure and makes users’ online experiences more trustworthy.

What are the Types of SSL Certificates?

  • Extended Validation Certificates (EV SSL): These certificates provide the highest level of validation for the identity of the website or service owner. Web browsers display a green bar or a special symbol in the address bar when using these certificates, indicating to users that the site is trustworthy. Users can see that the website is reliable.
  • Organization Validation Certificates (OV SSL): These certificates provide a level of assurance by verifying the identity of a business or organization. The website owner’s identity and legitimacy as a business are confirmed, but not in as much detail as with EV SSL. Browsers show the website is secure but typically do not display a green bar or special symbols like EV SSL.
  • Domain Validation Certificates (DV SSL): DV SSL certificates are basic-level certificates that verify the domain ownership of the website owner. They are usually used as a quick and cost-effective security solution. Browsers indicate that the website’s identity is verified but must provide detailed business information.
  • Wildcard SSL Certificates: Wildcard SSL certificates cover a main domain and all its subdomains. For example, a wildcard certificate for “*.example.com” would automatically cover subdomains such as “blog.example.com” or “shop.example.com.”
  • Multi-Domain SSL Certificates (MDC): MDC certificates cover multiple domains or subdomains under a single certificate. Businesses or organizations can secure multiple websites with different domain names using the same certificate.
  • Unified Communications Certificates (UCC): UCC certificates are designed for multiple domains and services, such as Microsoft Exchange and Office Communications servers. You can use the same certificate to protect different domains and services.

Each type of certificate is suitable for websites or services with different requirements and levels of security. The choice depends on the nature of your website, the services offered to your users, and your security needs.

What is acme.sh?

“acme.sh” is a command-line tool for managing free SSL/TLS certificates from certificate providers like Let’s Encrypt. This tool automatically obtains, renews, and manages the certificates needed to secure your website.

Explanation of the Basic acme.sh Command

Below, we provide a step-by-step explanation of the basic command used to obtain and manage SSL/TLS certificates with the “acme.sh” tool:

/root/.acme.sh/acme.sh –issue -d example.com -d www.example.com –cert-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/cert.pem –key-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/privkey.pem –fullchain-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/fullchain.pem -w /home/example.com/public_html –force –debug

The step-by-step explanation of the above command is as follows:

/root/.acme.sh/acme.sh: This part specifies the path to the executable file of the “acme.sh” tool.

–issue: This flag initiates issuing a new certificate.

-d example.com -d www.example.com: This part specifies the domains for which the certificates will be issued.

–cert-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/cert.pem: This flag specifies the path where the issued certificate file will be saved.

–key-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/privkey.pem: This flag specifies the path where the private key of the issued certificate will be saved.

–fullchain-file /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/fullchain.pem: This flag specifies the path where the combined certificate and intermediate certificate chain will be saved.

-w /home/example.com/public_html: This flag specifies the web root directory for the certificate validation process.

–force: This flag allows overwriting an existing certificate.

–debug: This flag enables debugging mode and displays the process steps in more detail.

This command obtains and manages SSL/TLS certificates for the specified domains using the “acme.sh” tool.

Obtaining and managing SSL/TLS certificates is crucial in ensuring website security. Command-line tools like “acme.sh” automate this process, making it more manageable.

To avoid compromising your website’s security, you should regularly renew your SSL certificates and ensure they comply with the latest security standards.